Oct 29, 2021
This is a special extra urgent Gaslit Nation news bulletin for anyone anywhere around the world who has friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, old flames who can vote in Virginia. The governor’s race this Tuesday is extremely close. If Trumpist Glenn Youngkin wins, he can help steal Virginia for the Republican...
Oct 27, 2021
Welcome to the Gaslit Nation Halloween Special! At Gaslit Nation, it is forever Halloween AND Groundhog’s Day, so we revisit some familiar villains – Mark Zuckerberg, Donald Trump, Steve Bannon – and look at the incredibly bad horror sequels they are plotting!
Oct 20, 2021
This week’s Gaslit Nation explores narrative warfare, from Russia’s Stalinist revisionism (now including an attack on Andrea’s film Mr Jones!) to the “both-sidesing” of the Holocaust in US schools, to the memory-holing of the Capitol attack.
Oct 13, 2021
It has now been over nine months since the January 6 attack on the Capitol, and none of the key perpetrators – Trump, Bannon, Flynn, Stone, etc – have been held accountable. And now they are dodging and defying subpoenas! What the Democrats are showing is that you cannot fight hate speech with weasel words, and you...
Oct 6, 2021
The US government may have avoided a shutdown, but Facebook did not! On Monday everyone’s least favorite data-mining, genocide-abetting tech behemoth had the longest shutdown in its history, less than a day after an explosive interview with a Facebook whistleblower aired on “60 Minutes.” We speculate on...